Wednesday, 23 November 2011


I've come to realize a few things over the past few months I've been back home, after my whirlwind adventure in California. They're not really ground breaking or anything, as most of my ideas are. That's why I'd say they're more realizations than anything else. The realization of something that's already there but for some reason or another it's been invisible to your senses for the past however long. 

There is something to be said about the idea of "The law of Attraction". If you don't know what it is, well the short version of it is basically. If you desire something enough, it'll happen. Positive thinking breeds positive actions, breeds positive results. Negative actions... etc you get the point. If you really want to hear more about it and have lots of time to waste, read this book called "The secret". I don't recommend it as it seems to be a over inflated self help book. But they also came out with a movie, of that same book. I tried to read it and then I tried to watch it... Key word being tried. Needless to say, I've realized that the law of attraction is not entirely true but not entirely false. I've had a negative attitude for the first little while I was back, but now that my outlook is starting to change, things have been going well for me. I found a job, I enrolled in school... and the weather is sunny again. I missed the sun. Some may say it's a coincidence. That very well may be true, but at the same time you can never really say because there are often too many coincidences in life as it is for things not to have played out a certain way to benefit us. <<-- That is a whole other bag of marbles... (MIB reference, do we live in a massively tiny marble with infinitely small universes inside?)

I guess the second thing is that if you want something you gotta work to make it happen, but at the same time regardless of how hard you work at something. It might not happen. *it's like I covered all the bases* So why is this a realization? Well I guess it's just a motivating factor for people not to waste their lives doing nothing. The concept of work has always generated prosperity of some sort. Whether it be intrinsic satisfaction or whether it be emotional growth, the materialistic desires that a person may have or some other value of worth. The tricky thing is that you don't always get to choose which of these values you will gain as you work for something. You can have an idea of how you will grow or how you will get gain, but you won't know for sure unless you actually try to work towards that goal. Only after you accomplish the work will the goal come. Sometimes it'll come quickly, sometimes it'll be slow... no one really knows. It helps to develop patience, as I've mentioned before the best things in life are worth waiting for.

Something else that I've realized is that love really does make the world go round. I'm not just speaking of the emotional love either. I'm using the broadest sense of the term Love which encompasses, love for pets, love for hobbies, love for work, love for inanimate objects or anything else someone may "love". Love is so strong because it drives and motivates our desires and our desires motivate our actions. That's why it can be so scary to some, and so desired by others. Scary because it can change someone to be someone they're not, it can also causes people to do irrational things and things like it. It's often when you develop your love that it becomes a part of your life so immense and encompassing that you can only wonder where did such a powerful emotion come from? 

I'm sort of a random person and my thoughts aren't always orderly. But those of you following this by now will know this of me. But variety is the spice of life *super cliché*. Most of the time people do things they regret because they don't want to settle into a rut, or because they've already settled into it. Mix it up a bit. Not saying you need to go change every aspect of your life daily but just find something new or a new perspective on something. I guess that's why I'm so random, it drives people crazy at times but for me it keeps me sane. 

*side note: It's funny how my blog is called Daily Dreamer Travels and I haven't traveled yet... maybe I've talked about this before but my desires are to travel the world one day... one day*

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