A young philosopher looking to conquer all of the challenges and face all the adventures found in mundane everyday life.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
I know you are reading this, and I want you to know I am writing this for you. No one else will understand. No one else knows. They think that this is for them. But it's not. I am writing this for you.
I want you to know, life... it's hard. Everyday can be a challenge. It can be a challenge to get up in the morning. To get yourself out of bed. To put on that smile, but I want you to know, that smile is what keeps me going some days. You need to remember, even through the tough times, you are amazing. You really are.
You should be happy. You are gorgeous.
I know that the weather might not be perfect. You might have to turn your back to the wind or feel the cold nipping at your nose. But you know what? At least you are there to feel it. At least you can enjoy the sun's warm rays on your face. Or that cold wind that bites at your cheeks. You know what that means?
You're alive and everything will be Okay.
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
New Jobs
So in starting my new job, as always with any job you need to go through training. I'll be going through another 6 or so training sessions and I need to get comfortable talking to strangers and initiating conversation with them again. Fun stuff. It's like being in California again, just with a different end goal. Lets see how it'll work this time. I don't think I'm cut out for talking to strangers and stuff. But then again, I did it before I don't see why I can't do it again. I just need to build up my own client base and then sell sell sell. I should take tips from random movies like "the goods" and stuff. Anyways, here's to a new job and a new list of skills I can add to my ever so diminutive resume.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Self Healing
So despite all the random happenings in my life sometimes all it takes to make things better is just spending some time alone. For me, i think there are two things that I know will help. The first being a hug from a good friend. The second just trying something new, while listening to my fav tunes. There is a lot of healing power in music. My personal favourite way to sort go through self healing.
I don't know what it is about music, but it's incredibly powerful in evoking emotions in people sometimes whether you want it or not. I think as an individual I've realized more often than not I'm happier than I appear. I need to stop being a drama queen and just let the people around me know that I really am happy with my life inspite of some of the little things that may not be perfect or the way I want it, that's kinda how life is... Things don't turn out the way you want, but just gotta deal with it. Dreams are called dreams for a reason. If they came true it'd be reality and you wouldn't have dreams. That's another blog. Anyways thanks to my friends for the support. Love you all.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Monday, 21 November 2011
The best kind of relationship is when they're not only your lover, but your best friend too.
You always hear about people who are in relationships out of comfort. Yes I believe relationships should be comfortable, but at the same time they should be fun, exciting and that feeling that you first had when you first started to know them should be there. I think that the Honeymoon phase shouldn’t go away. Love is meant to be exciting, why else would our hearts skip a beat when we’re around those we love. Whenever I’m with my best friends, I have that same sort of excitement. One day I just hope that I can be in a relationship with someone who I love and consider a best friend. Not only for the reasons I’ve mentioned but for all the intangibles and reasons I can’t really explain because that’s how love is.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
Saturday, 19 November 2011
I guess it's not easy
I've always thought sharing secrets of mine was easy... I've done it so easily in the past.. But I guess my secrets in the past haven't really been too big or anything of any significance... But its different now... I guess it's not that easy... But I will tell them just give me some time to sort things through
Thursday, 17 November 2011
Wow.. I feel stupid
Floating freely in the sky puffy white or shades of grey
Soaring high above the world below, I watch and wonder where you will go today
Will you fly across this land? What will you see when you go where you're going? Can I see?
The world looks different from way up there, a view of things that I can only get but once in a while
Are you sad when it rains? Does it hurt when the fight of lightning explodes from within you?
So carefree it seems your life would be, always dancing and flowing around the sky
If but only if... I could see or even be a cloud just like you
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Surprise! Two posts today...
So I've been waiting for a call back from a company that I applied for a job at. I was all excited thinking the interview went well... and I still do think that. But they haven't called me back, so as the wait continues to grow longer, So does my hope grow smaller. As I've been waiting I've come to realize a few things about waiting. Well not really realize but I guess re-discover, these aren't really revolutionary theories I'm spouting out but things that have been shadowed by no one really caring about it. I've narrowed it down to a few key points.
Waiting makes everything in life more worth it when it comes.
We've all had experiences with Christmas, or for those of other faiths. Hanukkah (that looks weird), Kwanzaa or whatever religious or non religious holiday you choose to celebrate in December. As far as I know, all these holidays people give and receive gifts. What are some of the best memories of these holiday? Well I don't know about you but my best memories are waking up really early in the morning and opening gifts. What made these gifts so fun to open? The wait! Waiting gives us suspense, it makes us use our imagination and create scenarios to prepare ourselves for what may come. Then when it does come, and it is a favorable thing (I know there are circumstances where things don't come as we plan - I'm just discussing positive experience), then all the waiting we went through makes what we're waiting for that much better.
Waiting develops patience.
There's the old saying, patience is a virtue. Indeed it is, and especially in this society where everything is instant and at our finger tips all the time, the virtue of patience seems to be lost on an entire generation. We often get angry at fast food restaurants when we have to wait longer than 2 minutes. What has the world come to that we can't wait 2 minutes for our food? Lets assume that I have 5 minutes to procure food, what would happen if lets say it took 5 minutes. Generally speaking, there would be anger built up, frustration and in some instances yelling. Lets take that same scenario and say you get your food in an astonishing 1 minute. What would you do with those 4 minutes? We save those 4 minutes only to waste them somewhere else. Now you might say, well if we saved them here then we could use them productively somewhere else. Possibly, but how often do you find yourself having periods in your day when not much of anything is done? Whether it be due to lack of things to do, lack of ability to do what needs to be done for reasons beyond your control, or just a general lack of motivation to do things due to the humongous mountain of small tasks that need to be completed for the day. In a society where everything is so fast, we need to slow down our tempers and give room for some patience to grow and to refine our souls. In the end, whether or not you got that burger in 2 minutes or less, won't really matter and more often than not, you'll have forgotten by the time you've consumed the food. But by exercising a little patience, we can make someone's day by not being a jerk about it.
Which brings us to my next point
When life goes by too fast we loose sight of the beauty that surrounds us.
We have access to everything and whenever we see something that we want, we do all that we can to get it as fast as we can. In the process we lose sight of the little things that make up that make life beautiful. We drive every where we go and lose our temper when traffic isn't going as we would like (I am guilty of this myself). But there have been times when I've been speeding my way to wherever I go (not actually flying past speed limit - =p) but going along then I catch a glimpse of nature in it's wonder and then for that moment, the world seems to wash away leaving me to marvel in the beauty that I've seen. There are so many little things that make life more interesting all around us but we're so focused on being entertained for the here and now and doing what we want when we want it that we blind ourselves to these awe inspiring moments. I wonder what life would be like, if we port our entire civilization 6000 years in the past with no modern anything. Some of us, would do well in coping without. But I'm guessing a vast majority of our developed nations wouldn't know what to do with themselves. I just ask that everyday you take a moment or two to stop, look around at your surroundings and try to find something beautiful and appreciate the fact that it's there.
I know in an age where we can tweet, blog, tumble, flicker, and update statuses in the blink of an eye; we also miss out on the interactions and emotions that make us special, patience, charity, service, and love as we seek to do everything all at once. Waiting can really make the difference between bad timing and perfect timing. So here I am, in front of my techno box, waiting albeit not passively, for something that I hope will be worth my wait. Something so beautiful, so wonderful, that I can't wait when it comes. Hopefully it'll be sooner than later. I can't stand the wait... haha =)
Sometimes in life we pass over opportunities because we're so focused on what's in front of us that we don't really see the great things that are all around us, sometimes even right beside us. Life is all about living, how we choose to live each day is the measure of our character. I think I've been thinking about how I'm living my life these days, and what I've realized is that I still have a lot I want to accomplish. A lot I want to live, but more importantly are the people I want to be a part of this life I choose to live. Just remember to live everyday without regret, doing what you're passionate about and loving what you do.
Monday, 14 November 2011
Is it worth it?
Sometimes there are times when you're faced with a choice. On the one hand you have something that you're comfortable with but isn't really helping you grow. Then you have the second option, something new but filled with risks and challenges.
With the first choice the growth and payoffs aren't superb, but its safe and reliable.
The second choice is pretty much a gamble of sorts, looks bad at times leaving the comfort of something you know and trust, but the rewards are so great it becomes a question of "is the sacrifice worth the payoff?"
Most of the time we would stay with what we know and what's comfortable. Would you agree? Why risk something thats already good?
Well it happens more than we realize in our daily lives. Education is one of the best examples, of course there is a huge sacrifice for education, we give up comforts of the day to day, sleep, social life, our time. For the chance to gain greater rewards of better jobs in the future. With an education are we guaranteed a better job? No, but we are given the chance for something much better.
You might think, thats a bad example. I agree to some extent, but my point is that sometimes we need to evaluate the two options and ask... "is it worth it?"
Quitting a stable job for something with better pay and benefits is also something very risky. Why? You have no idea how long the company may want you. But people do it all the time.
What it comes down to is usually one of a few things. Does it make me happier? Are the gains greater than the losses? What do my friends and family think of it? Where do I see myself in the future in terms of the choice? But most important, at least to me, is what does my heart feel? More often than not our feelings are more than just an impulsive reaction but they usually lead us to greater growth and ultimately happiness. Will we face sadness from the choice? Sometimes. But in the end, things always work out for the better after making such choices. So when faced with a crossroads in the future, just think of me(shameless self plug) and ask yourself. Is it worth it?
Saturday, 12 November 2011
Saturday Night at Home Alone
So I've decided to start a little thing called "Today's Adventure", it's more of a personal thing but you're all free to play this game in your own lives. So what it is, is just taking the everyday mundane and trying to find something unique or something different that you haven't noticed before and then either doing one of two things, taking a picture of it in a manner which makes it seem amazing OR making use of whatever it is in a way that you wouldn't normally use it. So today, I took a picture, and yesterday I did too.. I think personally it's just gonna be pictures for me... scratch the second option of the "Today's Adventure" game I think I'm just gonna take pictures of things that make me happy that day. So I went out with a friend today for lunch and had a great time, so I took a picture because her friendship made me happy. Yesterday I was driving around downtown at night and seeing the buildings and the architecture made me happy. That's pretty much what I've done. Maybe one day I'll create some sort of album of daily adventures but for now... They're just for me to see.
So in taking a few steps back looking at life I've decided that the next few years of my own life will be less than desirable but hopefully it'll make a difference 10 years down the line. That's when I foresee life being enjoyable again, in a general sense. I think the day to day is more than good enough for my liking, well... not more than good enough but it's satisfactory I guess. Today was really a good day in my opinion, not a great day... well sort of. Haven't really had too many depressing moments. I guess being a philosophical thinker tends to lead you down that path. Some of the greatest thinkers of all time were sort of crazy in their own way. But with that said, I'll try to lead my life away from the path down to insanity... ^.^
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
English Movies and Indie Flicks
I think that's something I'm gonna apply more to my life, I'm gonna do things not to impress people but because I enjoy doing it. It's something I've done in the past but I guess I kind of forgot a little. So I guess it's a challenge to anyone who reads this blog, start doing things because you enjoy doing it, not out of habit or out of pressure. Try to find the little things in life that really make you happy and pursue them, you never know what sorts of surprises you might find in the adventure.
Last little quote from one of the characters in a movie I watched today,
Sunday, 6 November 2011
Nothing Lasts Forever
Watch "Maroon 5 Nothing Lasts Forever live" on YouTube
Wow I was randomly listening to songs at 4am and normally I don't pay attention to lyrics this late at night but the words just jumped out at me today.. And it really does describe the feelings I had as I went through my recent break up... The Maroon 5 section... Not so much the Kanye part but it was still pretty cool to listen to. I think as time goes on everything will work itself out. So I'm not too worried about little everyday bumps in the road. Just how things turned out, I ponder a lot what led to where I am... I still continue to do so... But I'm starting to see where I'm going a little more.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Much Ado About Nothing
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Birthday awesomeness
J: 25.. I was born in 1987
T:??? So 24?
J: no.. Because my birthday is in December so 25...