Sometimes I wonder why life is the way it is... sounds veryyy familiar. I think all of my blogs are starting to sound very monotonous. So I think more than anything else this has just become a vent of my emotions and a blog for my thoughts just trying to figure out things but for the world to see kinda. At times I kinda want people to find this blog. But it's sort of silly because I really don't want people to know. I guess that's why I've kept this sort of anonymous but at the same time it is on Facebook so if anyone is REALLY interested in finding out.. it's not too hard to do so.
I've sort of neglected this blog over the past little while because of school and because of well.. other things. I guess the other things category would be the reason why I've been sort of wanting to blog at times. Not really knowing how someone feels about you is sort of worrying. Is it irresponsible to sort of put things on hold and let things come as they do? I don't know people keep telling me that it is. Not really giving answers to people would be frustrating at times but then again who knows what's really going on. Waiting is another interesting thing, sometimes you wonder how long you should wait... Other times it builds patience and love over time. Personally I'm not too sure if there's a suggested waiting time. I guess it depends on how you feel about the situation. Case by case sort of thing. As for me I'm not really sure.. I suppose I'll wait but I might just be setting myself up for nothing. It's a risk I'm gonna take I guess. The best things in life are worth waiting for, I just hope I'm waiting for something rather than nothing...
Don't you wish you could have the power to figure out things without having to go through problems and trials? I guess not having problems and trials would make life too easy... Hurt and pain are sort of required for happiness and love to blossom even greater. I guess in these times we just need to have the faith to say, it's in your hands and all I can do is have a positive attitude about the situation. Whatever may happen, I just want to be happy. In the end I suppose that's all one could ask for.
On another note I've found this quote I really like that has probably floated around a bit but I just wanted to share it with you all... whoever may be following this.. Enjoy!
"The best thing in life is finding someone who knows all of your flaws, mistakes, and weaknesses and still thinks you're completely amazing"
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