I always have these fantastic ideas and dreams of doing this or that, but fact of the matter is that I'm lazy. I fall out of the habit of doing things and I just find very little motivation to pick things up again and be diligent. But when I am diligent about doing various things, I really do feel fulfilled, I don't know what it is. I feel that Satan really has this part of my life in his hand. Just trying to keep me from succeeding to the potential I have and am able to achieve. I guess I have been relying on some innate talents and natural born instincts for too many years of my life and I've never really worked hard to achieve anything or develop talents that I have to become better. I've sort of been coasting my whole life, I feel as if it's time for me to finally stop the shenanigans and just make the step up to the next level, to keep progressing and try to improve myself day by day. I know this isn't going to be a day and night transformation but I hope that if I do a little each day I will be able to see those changes over the course of the upcoming year. One of the things I will try to do is to blog at least once a week, hopefully several times a week.
But for now, I should improve on getting more rest, so having said that, it's 4:15 am.. I will sleep now.